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Chick Days Are Coming! March 23rd & April 6th


We are excited to partner with Egg Song Farm and Scratch & Peck Feeds to celebrate Chick Days! Get prepared for chick season and come meet local egg farmers. Two events on Saturday, March 23 and Saturday April 6, 10:00-3:00pm at Clearview Hardware & Feed in Snohomish!

*Purchase your baby chicks from local backyard breeder. Available Breeds will include: Marans, Cream Leg Bars, Olive Eggers, Silkies, Houdans, Bantam Easter Eggers

*Ask questions and get advice from local chicken farmers-including what to do with an unwanted rooster.

*Learn how to ferment Scratch & Peck Feeds to feed 'em organic, or go with non-organic Nutrena Feeds.

Come support local businesses at our Scratch & Peck Chick Days events at Clearview Hardware & Feed in Snohomish (True Value)! Stock up on everything you need to raise your own backyard flock—including baby chicks hatched by local chicken farmers! We’ll also have live mealworms and farm fresh organic eggs available from the happy hens at Egg Song Farm.

chick days

Two events coming up: March 23 and April 6, 10:00-3:00.

Don't forget, you can stop by Clearview Hardware & Feed in Snohomish for all of your Poultry Feed Needs! We also carry a full selection of Hay and Animal Feed. Clearview True Value delivers Alfalfa, delivers Orchard Grass, delivers Timothy, delivers Straw! We also have a low price on Propane Refills, and a low price on Energy Logs and Fuel Pellets. Call us with any questions or to order: (360) 668-6363. We deliver Hay Snohomish County and deliver hay King County.

#chickdays #Marans #CreamLegBars #OliveEggers #Silkies #Houdans #BantamEasterEggers #ScratchPeck #EggSongFarm #HollyFarm #Organic #crackedcorn #chickstarter #layerpellets #scratchgrain #popcorn #FlockBlock #squashseeds #saladgreens #winter #grooming #disease #cushingsdisease #chickencoop #fall #pettips #petlife #7steps #EnergyLogs #deworming #FuelPellets #PoultryFeed #Alfalfa #HayMonroe #HaySilverlake #HayClearview #HayCathcart #HayLynnwood #HayLakeStevens #HayMillCreek #HayWoodinville #WoodPelletDelivery #buildyourown #pumpkin #EnergyLogDelivery #veterinarian #GrainDelivery #AlfalfaDelivery #coops #HayDelivery #strawdeliverykirkland #strawdeliveryedmonds #HayRedmond #strawdeliveryshoreline #strawdeliveryseattle #autumn #strawdeliverybellevue #strawdeliveryclearview #strawdeliverycathcart #warm #HayCuttings #strawdeliverymaltby #strawdeliveryeverett #strawdeliveryredmond #strawdeliverymillcreek #HayEverett #strawdeliverylakestevens #chicks #strawdeliverywoodinville #Mix #strawdeliverysnohomish #weedfreestraw #straw #RVPropaneRefill #petallergies #PropaneRefillMaltby #PropaneRefillBothell #ChoosingHay #PropaneRefillMillCreek #mangageahorse #PropaneRefillWoodinville #strawdeliverymonroe #Mites #PropaneRefillLynnwood #HayBothell #amerigaspropanerefill #priceforpropanerefill #strawdeliverybothell #cheapestplacetogetpropane #GrassHay #cheappropanetankrefill #bestpriceforpropanegas #Mixhay #HayEdmonds #PropaneRefillEverett #wherecanigetpropane #refillpropanetankprice #wherecanigetpropanefilled #findpropanenearme #GrassDelivery #DIY #strawdeliverysilverlake #cheappropanenearme #PropaneRefillLakeStevens #HayBellevue #vitamine #HayMaltby #propanefilled #TrailerPropaneRefill #localpropane #filledpropanetank #propanetankrefillcost #HaySeattle #strawdeliverylynnwood #propanestations #strawdeliverymarysville #HaySnohomish #PropaneRefillKingCounty #Timothy #HayKirkland #getpropane #propaneexchange #propanenearme #weedfreestraw #propanereillnearme #vegetables #AnimalFeed #bluerhinopropanerefill #cheappropanegasprices #propanerefill #propanetankcheap #HayMarysville #StrawDelivery #cheapestpropanetanks #Nomileagefees #LowPriceHayDelivery #propanesales #fillpropanetanks #cheapestpropanerefill #propanegasrefill #PropaneRefillSnohomishCounty #propanerefills #propanelocal #propanegasstaion #PropaneRefillSnohomish #Straw #propane #cheappropanetankexchange #HayShoreline #TimothyDelivery #propaneprices

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© 1984 by Clearview True Value Hardware and Feed. Serving Hardware, Hay, Straw, Grain, Pet Food, Animal Bedding, and Propane to Snohomish, Woodinville, Mill Creek, Bothell, Everett, Lake Stevens, Maltby, Monroe, Lynnwood, Cathcart, Clearview, Silverlake. Hay and Straw Delivery Available. 


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